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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Is This One of Those Pyramid Things?

One of the most ignorant things a person can do is to cast aspersions on something he knows NOTHING about. This question keeps cropping up so often about Network Marketing or MLM, that when people ask me, my automatic response is, "Exactly what do you mean by pyramid?"

Their response is very vague, "Oh, I don't know, I just heard these things are illegal pyramid schemes."

With no sense of irony, these same people will have at one stage joined a "gifting" program as if it were more legal than a chain letter because there is no letter! Duh! What kind of logic is this?!

We're all guilty of looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The promised riches for no work, seems to cloud the judgment of everybody. People that I know went ahead and participated in a ridiculous scheme even when I protested that it would fail. The logic? I know it will fail but it's like gambling. "If we get in now we have a chance". Good grief!

How did they manage to forget that each later person has less chance. If someone really knows what a pyramid scam is, they won't fall prey to human nature's natural tendency to succumb to greed.

So, is Network Marketing a Pyramid?

On the surface yes, but "Relationship or Network Marketing" and pyramid schemes share only the pyramid structure; however, there is a significant difference that makes a pyramid "structure" a sound business model. In illegal pyramids, income is created ONLY by recruiting others into the pyramid. There is no emphasis on product or services, therefore no value flows within the system - up as in work, or services rendered and down as in payment.

Value must be passed up and down to make it Legal.

To make money in a legitimate company a product or service has to be exchanged. In a typical pyramid scam scheme you in effect purchase a franchise to recruit others into the scheme – and it always fails very quickly. This is totally illegal. In pyramid schemes, those who get in first and who are at the top win while everybody else loses. The hostility toward the concept of a pyramid comes from people who are uninformed in the way the organizational chart is drawn - in a pyramid shape.

Look at the organizational chart of any large business - now, do you know of ANY large business, organization, religion, or government that IS NOT set-up like a pyramid?!

In a legitimate Network Marketing company, distributors are paid on wholesale and retail product or service movement - NOT on recruiting. You are helping the company by word of mouth advertising and helping others create financial freedom without risking your own personal assets.

Look at almost ANY large, well established company, IBM, Sony, Microsoft. Does anybody doubt their legality? Who is at the top of these companies? The president of course. Then he or she appoints a few key people as directors, they in turn appoint managers and at the bottom of this organization is where the LARGEST number of people are by far! This is where the regular employees are -and guess what?


And yet they are still legal - because value passes up the pyramid (the hours that you work and the products you produce etc.) and down the pyramid - you get paid.

Now the difference between a legal and ethical Network Marketing company is that the people at the "bottom" are at the top of their own Pyramid and so can, if they are good at marketing, earn much more than the people at the top. Now isn't that a fairer system?

I bet nobody explained it that way to you before! In Network Marketing, those who do the most work get paid the most! Pretty fair system, don't you think?! :-)

Bottom line is, if you don't sell anything or your recruits don't, you won't get paid.

It's not the shape that makes a company illegal it's the people running it - ask anybody who worked at Enron or WorldCom.

Affiliate Schemes as Pyramids

The biggest affiliate scheme on the Internet is Amazon, which pays only to a single level - yet there are many affiliate systems that pay multilevel and in this way leverage your time and vastly increase your profit.

Forget what you have heard before. This does work. People who say "It doesn't work" really mean "I didn't work". They failed NOT the system.

What happens if you turn up for work tomorrow and decide not to work?! - YOU WON'T GET PAID!

So, the FFSI business is NOT an illegal pyramid scheme, in fact, we have a superior payment system. You can actually earn MORE than your upline members! I personally earn more than my own sponsor/upline member because I recruit more.

If you do better in marketing, you can earn more than anyone in your Team. You can earn more than I do!

Put in the effort with a good Internet Marketing program and you be well rewarded. FFSI IS a good Internet Marketing program. Learn and use The Elite Team Marketing system, execute the FFSI plan properly and you will be well rewarded!

You can learn more about Network Marketing in this following articles:-

The Most Overlooked Aspect of Network Marketing by Anne Ahira

The Secrets of the Heavy Hitters Revealed by Anne Ahira

How to choose a good online MLM or network marketing program? by Evelyn Lim

Why Your Network Marketing Efforts Are Failing by Willie Crawford


You might want to read this HOT questions "How Fast I can earn USD $5,803 per MONTH"

Financial Freedom Society


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